Friday is the day of Venus.
Venus is the planet of yin energy, love, earth pleasures, sensuality, beauty, and art.
She orbits in the shape of a pentacle, and rules over Taurus and Libra.
Her colors are red and green.
She is connected to the vulva and ancient fertility symbols, the full moon, the 8 pointed star, goddesses Lakshmi, Aphrodite, Ishtar, the Empress and the suit of Pentacles in the tarot.
Here’s a ritual to celebrate Venus energy:
On a Friday, fill your tub with red rose petals (a dozen roses works great!)
Light some candles and play love songs during your bath.
Instead of listening with a sense of longing, listen as if the Divine is singing the lyrics to you. Imagine each song filling you up…
Close your ritual by placing your hands over your heart and silently remembering things you’re grateful for, as this is big abundance energy!
Thank Venus for her influence in your life.