The Judgement card has a shadow side and light side.
Shadow: Judging can be a shitty behavior that stems from ignorance.
It’s shitty when we form a quick opinion of someone/ something, shut our heart off, then further stamp that seal of separation by sharing our opinion with our bubble of friends/ family. This gives us an artificial sense of energy…while actually draining us/ keeping us in a rut of blame/ feeling victimized in the long-term.
Light: Judging can be a thoughtful, discerning decision-making process that stems from wisdom and leads us to the truth.
Judging is a wise behavior when we do it as discernment. Meaning we fully include our heart in a deeply personal equation as we reassess a situation we’re in..and have been in for some time. This kind of judgment is more along the lines of decision-making- a sound, logical thought out process that we spend a lot of time on, considering our past & where we feel called to go, our resources, and what doors are opening up for us.
Another way you can think of it: snap judgment/ error vs slow mindful decision-making.