
Hanged Man: Teacher of Surrender

Hanged Man says:  stop strategizing from your head!   It literally flips you upside down to get that head quiet- that overstimulated mind- the hamster wheel that’s been staring at screens, replaying mental stories, news, other people’s opinions, other people’s creations, and your own inner ‘advertisements’ all day, promising you it can make you happy if … Continue reading Hanged Man: Teacher of Surrender

How Archetypes Help Us Find Worth

Questioning a lot of things right now? Feeling ok one day then crying the next? Wondering why your manifesting isn’t working? With 70% of adults walking around with trauma and a lot of us feeling sad no wonder we feel confused, scared, or even hopeless. Do you know your self-worth is UNCONDITIONAL?   Your worth … Continue reading How Archetypes Help Us Find Worth