In the spiritual world, a lot of people try to ‘transcend.’ We want to ‘let go’ of all the emotions, desires, and pain body. In this model you judge, punish, and fight against yourself…and this game gets projected onto the outer world as ‘good’ and ‘evil.’ In the more earthy spiritual traditions (indigenous tantra, shamanism), … Continue reading Priestess Energy
Author: Tara Kimes
Deepening into the Hermit Archetype
One of the amazing gifts of the hermit is he helps us heal desperation. His pure BEINGNESS increases one’s emotional bandwidth to be with all emotions and digest them, no matter what ‘ride’ your soul is currently on. This would not be possible if we were out in the world immersed in distractions, identifying as … Continue reading Deepening into the Hermit Archetype
Gifts of the Hermit
Each month I invoke a different tarot archetype. This month it’s been the hermit Hermit energy is either deeply peaceful or deeply confronting. How we feel about being alone reveals our capacity to be present with Life, and TRUST Life. People who can be alone for long stretches of time and find peace in their … Continue reading Gifts of the Hermit
The Flirty Hermit
An 82 year old man hit on me recently. It makes me sad that the elderly are so often ignored. Also, in today’s postmodern feminist climate, many women carry an entitlement to preemptively punish men, and it’s NORMALIZED to view this as ‘creepy,’ or ‘gross.’ But a lot of times projecting onto men as ‘creeps,’ … Continue reading The Flirty Hermit