Spiritual insights don’t have to be ‘transmitted,’ nor do they need to be coveted as your own special god realm. These are both ego traps. One of the biggest wounds for me has been the idea of ‘spiritual rescue’. That another person can somehow fill my longing for intimate spiritual guidance. That they would lead … Continue reading Spiritual Ego Traps
Author: Tara Kimes
Reclaiming Feminine Energy in Business
I used to take all my cues on how to gain 'respect' from the men around me. How they acted, how they talked, how they told jokes, how they worked and played. How they led. As a musician I desperately tried to show men that I could play solos and drum like them. As a … Continue reading Reclaiming Feminine Energy in Business
What ‘Manifest’ Really Means
This year I started aligning my life and decisions with the moon. I honestly kind of romanticized it, and thought it would be a way to ‘manifest.’ But ‘manifest’ turned out to mean something way different and deeper than what I thought. The moon forces you to work with 2 energy currents- waxing and waning, … Continue reading What ‘Manifest’ Really Means
Waning Moon
Waning moon blues... We’re in the waning moon now...at first I thought of it as a decrease of energy...but now I’m starting to see it simply as a rebalancing of energies. We’re rebalancing solar and lunar energies in ourselves. Half dark, half light. Constantly finding our balance with letting in truth, and digesting it. At … Continue reading Waning Moon