The ground is covered in snow yet the sky is orange/ glowing. It's winter yet there's a warmth. If you look close at the low hanging bare branch you'll see it still carries fruit. Even when a situation feels stripped to nothing/ like there's nothing left to gain, unexpected gifts are possible. The old hermit … Continue reading 6 of Pentacles
Author: Tara Kimes
The Fool
The Fool is thought to have evolved from the court jesters of late medieval Europe, but he may go back as far as sufism. Early decks from 15th century Italy and France depict him as 'Le Mat' and 'Il Matto,' meaning madman or beggar. An old European word for jester, "Gastharo" translates to 'guest of … Continue reading The Fool
7 of Cups
The character is half clothed in loose, draping red fabric (relaxing from the grip of power/ ego), they have gone through a change or challenge and are now learning to discern illusion from reality. They rest gazing at the imagined cups in the water, but at the same time their footing has hold on the … Continue reading 7 of Cups
Four of Cups
The character rests in a very secure rooted place yet the roots/ branches are tangled and twisted. It's spring, and new leaves are on the tree, ferns, & wildflowers have sprouted nearby. The character wears red, a symbol of power, and seems bored or unsatisfied. Being too focused on power and status/ recognition (the red … Continue reading Four of Cups