Gifts of the Hermit

Each month I invoke a different tarot archetype. This month it’s been the hermit 🙂

Hermit energy is either deeply peaceful or deeply confronting. How we feel about being alone reveals our capacity to be present with Life, and TRUST Life.

People who can be alone for long stretches of time and find peace in their own company generally have a solid frame of trust…they view the Universe as Loving. People who get panic attacks when alone or become obsessive are more likely to fear Life as untrustworthy.

If you hate being in your own company & have to find distractions, or go out of compulsion/ need, it’s probably a sign that you need to spend MORE time alone, cultivate more space, more rest, more inner stability so that a deeper peace can bloom within you. (If you struggle with this, reach out! I have tools that can help)

Personally, I hit a wall last year…living in a big 5 bedroom farmhouse & 20 acres of beautiful land for 3 years, studying with tantra communities and learning all kinds of amazing erotic stuff with nobody to share it with, it felt like a cosmic joke. Then God upped the cringe and said nope…not yet…instead we’re gonna have your brother move in. Another year of watching my brother easily get girlfriends🤦🏻‍♀️

Naturally I relapsed and got back on the dating sites. Which is like taking a drug of artificial ego boosting psychedelic- seriously just go on a dating site and you can rack up a bunch of dates immediately! Because they are full of people avoiding being alone 😛 So yeah…sure…go do that until your ego gets tired and your soul finally collapses into the arms of the Lover you’ve been avoiding: GRIEF

Things won’t change until you let yourself GRIEVE. Until you MEET your own LONGING instead of trying to go out and ‘get’ lovers/ thrills/ power/ money to ‘fill’ the void.

A lot of us in the collective are healing the God Wound- learning how to TRUST LIFE again, trust in natural timing! Modern artificial culture- AI, dating sites, social media, medicating people instead of letting them have deep rest- this all can be countered with rich, organic, natural, soul-led TRUST in GOD & NATURE’S TIMING. Not religious God, MYSTICAL God. This is hermit territory…it’s not for the faint of heart, but so much wisdom comes out of it! So much peace….

Come to find out those hermit years I was mostly distracted from being WITH myself as a FRIEND. The journey hadn’t even begun! Only after GRIEVING and embracing my own LONGING did I start to TRULY enjoy my own company…

Now being alone feels adventurous! I am my own LOVER! I am trusting the Divine as my GUIDE! This did not happen overnight…I had to surround myself with high level mentorship for 6+ months, ease off the neo-tantra community, and start following the guidance of emotionally mature people who have cultivated stability & faith/ trust in life.

Thank you hermit energy! You feel incredibly powerful, protective, and soulful…never before have I felt so much of a romance toward the solo journey! Never before have I felt much ease in saying no, distancing myself from distractions and temptations…never before have I been able to deepen this much into the journey of being penetrated by my own worth!


A book recommendation: There’s a beautiful book that I’ve turned to recently called Sabbath which is all about the art of doing nothing, rest, solitude, and how it improves humanity, uplifts the world, and gives more beauty to the world. I highly recommend it for anyone desiring more peace: Sabbath by Wayne Muller