Learning to Trust instead of Fear

Coming back to meditation every day…not as a chore, but as Divine pleasure!
Showing up to life, as pleasure! 
What does a little moon magick do for your mindset?  It helps you trust instead of fear!
Today I found myself 30 miles away from home in the middle of a snow day with an empty gas tank and realized I’d left my purse at home, chanced it and drove back on the highway…went the wrong direction and drove about 6 exits the wrong way! 
Because of my moon meditation practice I was able to keep calm, even laugh at myself lovingly.  I kept my faith…sure enough the kindness of strangers appeared. 
A gas station employee gave me $13 out of the generosity of his heart…when I offered to pay him back over the phone he wouldn’t let me.
This kind of lesson keeps happening to me this year.  Learning to trust instead of fear.
With money too- in my tarot reading business I noticed a strange phenomenon where clients kept paying me MORE than I asked for.  They would tip, or pay above the sliding scale range I offered them.  Like the Universe was saying ‘Hey, know your worth!’
So now I charge what my time is worth, and so far I’ve made more money via tarot readings in one month than I did the entire year of 2020.  Major breakthrough in receptivity!
This is what I’m learning in 2021. 
Sacred receptivity, sacred play, and sacred self worth…
If it calls you too, I invite you to check out Moon Path, my 12 week online program that’s now open for registration!  Details in the bio link 🙂 or dm me!